Thursday's theme for Primary Class was all about Volcanoes! We did a picture walk through the book Island: A Story of the Galapagos by Jason Chin. The children were intrigued with the many animals that live on the Galapagos Islands, and of course they wanted to know more about volcanoes.
After doing the picture walk in the book we talked about the earth being made up of land, water, and air.
I also gave them a lesson using our land forms on how we can tell the difference from an island vs isthmus.
We then learned more about volcanoes, using our demonstration model.
Volcanoes were made with air dry clay.
Rocks were explored.
Another activity that they enjoyed was looking at different photos of volcanoes that I downloaded for free from the The Helpful Garden.
The morning was filled with three hours of fun and the kids made it very clear that they were interested in learning about turtles. Of course you can't talk about the Galapagos Islands without learning more about turtles, stay tuned because next week that is exactly what is on our agenda.
If you would like to read more about how an independent lesson went on Thursday too, please visit The Work Plan.
Always a favorite unit and done so right with that cool volcano model!